Manager for the request
Located in /myMVC/HttpRequest.php (line 26)
Action type (called from link)
Action type (called from AJAX)
Action type (called from menu)
Unknown type. It will not be used. Just for initialize...
View type
Returns the current action or false if no action was called
Returns an associative array with all given parameters and their value (format: 'parameter' => 'value')
Returns an associative array with all parameters, that passed the validation,
and their value (format: 'parameter' => 'value')
Returns the value of the given parameter
Returns the value of a parameter starting with $key
Returns HTTP query string
Returns the query type (Action or View)
Returns all valid query types
Returns the referrer of the current page
Returns the request method (GET/POST)
Returns the unvalidated value for the given parameter.
Useful if a form has more submit buttons and you want to check which button was used
Returns the unvalidated value for the parameter starting with $key.
Useful if a form has more submit buttons and you want to check which button was used
Returns the name of the parameter starting with $key.
Useful if a form has more submit buttons and you want to check which button was used
Returns the unvalidated value for the given upload.
Useful if a form has more submit buttons and you want to check which button was used
Return the upload file, if given
Returns the current view or false if no action was called
Returns whether the given parameter exists
Returns whether the a parameter starting with $key exists
Returns whether the given unvalidated parameter exists
Returns whether the an unvalidated parameter starting with $key exists
Returns whether the given upload exists and a file was uploaded
Returns if the current action was called as AJAX
Returns whether the current query is empty (then it must be forwarded to a default)
Set a value for a parameter (useful to call other pages)
Set the given parameter as valid (passed the validation)
Documentation generated on Wed, 09 Mar 2016 21:27:02 +0100 by phpDocumentor 1.4.4